Foster A Pet

Fostering is an invaluable way to support our shelter. Fostering frees up kennel space for other animals that may need it, while also giving our pets much-needed socialization and practice living with a new family.
For many of our stray animals, living inside with people is a completely new experience; by getting a practice run with a foster family, these pets will be much more adoptable and less likely to be returned due to adjustment issues.
Interested in providing a temporary home for a shelter animal? Here’s what you need to know:
1. You will need to complete a foster application and agreement.
2. You will be provided with the supplies needed to provide care to your foster pets.
3. You will be provided contact information of your foster coordinator and this will be the person you would contact in an emergency and to coordinate veterinary care, vaccinations, and return for adoption.
4. You will receive the love and joy of helping a homeless pet receive amazing care and helping our shelter save lives!
For more information on becoming a pet foster care provider please contact the shelter at 928-526-1076.