Dog Training
Building a Bond
At the Coconino Humane Association we want to help you start life with your new dog or puppy by making it as easy as possible.
We will use positive reinforcement to ensure you are building a positive, healthy relationship with your new furry friend.
These classes are not just about training your dog or puppy, it is about giving you the tools to help your new friend adjust to his or her new life with you as well.
Along with training comes food:
Diets can directly and indirectly affect your dogs behavior. In our classes you will also learn about proper diets and what may be best to feed your pet. We will be going over the basics of how food effects behavior and what your dog should not be eating.
Behavior Classes are Currently on Hold Until a New Trainer is Hired
Puppy Socialization Class – $10.00 per session
(Group play for puppies between 4 – 6 months of age) Puppy Socialization Classes are held on Sundays from 12:00-1:30pm. Watch our social media for updates!
Adult socialization classes – $10 per session
(Group play for dogs 6 months and older) Classes are held Saturdays from 12:00-1:30pm. Watch our social media for updates!
Puppy group level 1 classes ($100 for 4 weekly 1 hour sessions)
(Puppies two months-four months of age) This six-week beginning training class caters to the needs of the owner and the puppy. Basic obedience training such as sit and down will be taught. We will also help you work on potty and crate training for at home!
Puppy group level 2 classes ($100 for 4 weekly 1 hour sessions)
(Puppies 4-6 months) This six-week intermediate training class will teach your pups basic manners. We will teach your pup “down”, “leave it”, “wait”, and how to walk on a leash.
Puppy individual level 1&2 classes ($150 for 6 weekly 1 hour sessions)
(Puppies two months-six months of age) This six-week beginning class caters to the needs of the owner and the puppy. We will work one on one with you and your pup. We will create a 6 week lesson plan to achieve the goals you set for you and your pup!
Adult individual training classes ($25 for consultation, $200 for 6 weekly sessions)
(Dogs 6 months and older) This program caters to the needs of you and your dog. Together we will talk about what you would like to work on with your dog and come up with a 6 week plan to achieve your goals!
Adult group training classes ($125 for 4 weekly sessions)
(Dogs 6 months old and older) In this program we will teach your dog to leave it, wait, and come. We will work on loose leash walking in a public setting, and introduce enrichment ideas!
Adult Behavior Modification ($55 for consultation, $225 for 6 weekly sessions)
This 6 week program includes a private consultation and will help address issues with dog behavior. Dogs who are leash/dog/people/barrier reactive, resource guard, have little to no social skills, are scared to meet new people, or have fear and phobias are more then welcome to sign up.